Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Joyous June!!!

Daddy, I Love You
Daddy, I love you
for all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you
'cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
to teach you to play,
So smile 'cause I love you
on this Father's Day.
Author Unknown
We are so happy to welcome little Shaman & Senitha who join the playway this May. Hope you feel at home already. You make our play circle extra special. Thank you for joining the playway…

We warmly welcome Ms Shaistha Farook who joins us this June. She has just completed her Diploma in Early Childhood and Sub Primary Education at Ladies’ College Colombo. She is a product of St Pauls’ Girls School, Milagiriya. She enjoys teaching the very young children and finds working at the Infant area very satisfying. Please welcome her to the playway family.  Welcome Shaistha!

Happy, Happy Birthday (s)
We wish very Happy Birthdays to Hanaa who will be celebrating her third birthday on June 20 and Nikitha who will be celebrating his fourth birthday on June 26 2011. Hope both Hanaa & Nikitha will have loads of fun and heaps of surprises!!! Many, many Happy Returns Hanna & Nikitha!

Our Current Theme: “Out of this World…” remains the same as there is so much to explore…We are discussing about planets and earth to give the children an idea how important is it to save Earth from pollution to combine the knowledge about other lifeless planets and “Earth full of life” coinciding with the World Environment Day 2011. Please help you 4+ to create his imaginary planet using recyclable items found as house hold waste… the project is due on the Friday 17 June. If there are any questions please shoot them to Neelika.

Flash Back… ( A meaningful May)

Monday, 02 May
Play began. The children acted as Easter Bunnies with their bunny caps on them. They were treated with sweets brought to the nursery by aunt Zainab.

Monday, 09 May

Mothers’ Day Celebrations at the playway - Guest - Mums arrived at the playway for story time. The children enjoyed every minute they spent with the guest mums. Thank you Mrs. Fuad, Ayan and Aniq’s mum, & Dr Ramanayake, Nikitha’s mum for making the playwayers so happy…. Hope you too found it rewarding!
Also the children presented their mums with pairs of hand decorated slippers wrapped so dearly by them in pink paper to mark the Mother’s Day 2011. The little hands worked very hard to make the slippers look so adorable. Hope the playway mums loved the gift!

Tuesday,10 May

Show & Tell. The children brought toys to the playway with much enthusiasm. They showed them to their peers 7 shared their knowledge.
The children could explain the peers and teachers how the toys they brought relate to our current theme “Out of this World”. Thank you parents for buying (making them available for your children) meaningful toys & books. I was truly amazed to see the amazing collection of items that day. We had to hold many sessions of “Show and Tell” to go through all the items your children brought!!!

Friday 13,  May

Vesak at the playway…
Vesak was celebrated with an artist’s arrival to show how people make Vesak lanterns. The children were truly delighted to see him working with sticks and paper to create a wonderful lantern. 
Mrs. Jayasekara, Kehathi’s mum arrived at the playway to relate a story on Vesak instead, she had to go on to her fifth story before children allowed her to leave the playway. The colourful Vesak stories kept the children glued to her for a good half hour. Thank you Mrs Jayasekara for your time!

Wednesday, 25 May

A meal for the Aliens… at the playway. Thank you parents for your generous contributions to make the “Meal for Aliens” a reality. Thank you teacher- chefs and the baby chefs for working so… hard to make the meal so delicious… The “aliens” did not spare a grain of rice. However, as it is
always the case in this world, the aliens too preferred the  dish of  fried sausages to the dishes of fresh &  boiled vegetables and fruit!!!!

Tuesday, 31 May
the playway  group photograph was taken . The children and teachers looked very, very smart. Thank you so… much for being so photogenic everyone!

Dates for Your Diary

Monday, June 6
World Environment Day

Thursday, June 9,
Field Trip to the Planetarium, Colombo 07 (for 3+ Only) 2 to 3 year olds come to the playway for play…
Friday, June 10
Bikes and Tikes day. Please bring your bike or tikes to the nursery.
Wednesday, June  15
PBM Holidays. No Play.
Friday, 17 June
Please bring your “Project on My Own Planet” to the nursery ( for 4+ Only)
Monday, June 20
Daddy’s week starts- Daddies please sign up for a morning with the “Incredible Playwayers…”
Tuesday, June 21
Second Day of Daddy’s Week
Wednesday, June 22
Third Day of Daddy’s Week
Thursday, June 23
Fourth Day of Daddy’s Week
Friday, June 24
Fifth Day of Daddy’s Week
Tuesday, 28 –Thursday ,30 June
Parent Conferences! Please sign up for your appointment to discuss your child’s progress with the teachers. Sign Up sheets will be placed at the entrance from 16 June.
Tuesday, 05 July
the playway presents “Summer Dance on Planet Earth…”
Tuesday, 05 July
Summer Break. Play halts…
Thursday, 04 August
Play begins…

Have a Joyous June & July,
Neelika Edirisinghe,
Director, the playway nursery, Colombo, Sri Lanka

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