Thank you for joining your child at the Independence Day Celebrations at the playway. It was a very colourful event, which showed the diversity of Sri Lankan community. This is indeed the picture we must paint in order to bring about an understanding among our people. Unity in diversity is the key for development, for preserving the beauty of our country.
It strengthens the economy, culture and bonds. At the playway we enjoy diversity and encourage children under our care to respect and learn about the each others’ beliefs and cultural differences.
Thank you for all those costumes you made for your child so caringly. It was evident that the children were very proud to be dressed in them.
Happy Birthday
Many Happy Returns to Jailen who is celebrating his 3rd birthday on February 24. Hope you will have loads of FUN with your friends!!!
Welcome Yeshara! You are now officially a playwayer and we know you are loving it!
Our Current Theme: Mummies & Babies
We shall be inquiring into this theme to gain an understanding about who we are, how alike we are and how different we are. The topic of inquiry also will help us to find how we are connected to our families and with others in our environment. This exploration will lead into the world of animals, where children will learn about various animals and their young.
Please be informed that your child will be talking to the class about him/herself and his/her family, illustrating their discussion with photographs. Please help and guide them. You may have to part with a few photographs for the duration of the theme, as your child will need to include them in a little project book they will compile themselves. Photos will be returned safely after use.
If you would like to join our team for a day or a session to present a story about your family or show an album of your baby/babies or anything else that connected to our theme you are welcome to do so. Please talk to me regarding this possibility.
Fashion Re-Design! the playway’s new PE kit (t-shirt, cap and shorts) will be out shortly.
Dates for Your Diary
Feb 9, Tuesday Red Day – Cooking Red Jelly
Feb 11, Thursday Sticky Day – Please send a Family Photo
Feb 12, Friday Fall In Love With Nature this Valentine
Feb 24, Wednesday Paint Day – Messy Play
Feb 25, Thursday Play House – Role Play as Family Members.
Feb 26 Friday Water Day – Please send your child’s water toys (If available).
On Overseas Leave
I shall be accompanying my daughter on her move to attend University on February 16 and only return on the 23rd. Ms. Amaal Junaid will be my substitute during this period. Amaal and the team will ensure the best care for your child and keep things running smoothly.
The schedule for each day of my absence has been planned in advance to ensure maximum productivity. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns. I shall remain contactable through email throughout the trip.
Please remember to let Ms Amaal know of any changes of contact details or transport arrangements.
REMINDER Fruit Break: Don’t forget our fruit breaks!
Please note that on both Tuesday and Thursday usual break time is given a special twist with the playway Fruit Breaks. Send your child a fruit and/or fresh fruit juice that he she will enjoy. Please let me know if your child is allergic to any kind of a fruit or other food item as children sometimes share food during breaks.
REMINDER Chocolate Wednesday: Every other Wednesday we enjoy chocolates during our break time as chocolates have been proven to be good for children occasionally and in small quantities. Please send your child’s tooth brush (labeled with name) along with the chocolates to brush their teeth after eating the chocolate.
REMINDER Friday Brunch: Please send a ‘green meal’ containing plenty of vegetables coupled with rice or pasta etc. for the children’s brunch. A dessert will be a delightful addition.
REMINDER Physical Education: During Wednesday and Friday mornings the 3 Plusses (Nursery) will engage in 15 minutes of PE in the garden. Tuesday and Thursday mornings is the time for the 2 - 3 year olds (Infants) to have their PE lesson. Please send them in their the playway T- shirts with shorts and sneakers on the right days.
REMINDER Book Pool: We are extremely happy to note that our “A Book a Home” Program is doing extremely well. The response from the children and parents is great. The aim is to arouse curiosity and love for books in children. A book read aloud by the mummy or the daddy can develop pre-reading skills and highly recommended. Your child is at his/her peak considering language absorption. Please read as many books to them as possible. And also you could set an example by reading for your own enjoyment in their presence.
While saying a big thank you to the parents who send books regularly to the book pool, a reminder is sent to the others who have not yet done so. Please send one of your child’s favorites so he/she can share it with his/her friends. Books shared thus far have been returned to the owner in their original condition. Books submitted will be noted and returned at the end of each week. Please send a book once a week and take a book home daily.
Neelika Edirisinghe
Director, the playway nursery