Hope everyone had a great holiday celebrating Easter and the Sinhala and Tamil New Year: visiting relations and friends or touring across our beautiful island or even going overseas with your family.
A great BIG welcome to little Aakash Schafter the latest addition to our play group! We are delighted to have you in with us.
Thank you ever so much for your support for the construction work that has enabled us to expand the play /wash area for the benefit of your children. We are delighted to present the comfortable wash room to our under fives at . This became a reality as a result of the able financial management of Mrs Chandi Aluvihare, the cultural officer at the Russian Cultural Centre. Thank you, Mrs Aluvihare!!!
A big thank you also to Mr Ayrat Akhmetov, Director the Russian Cultural Centre and Mr Budhdhapriya Ramanayake, CEO the Russian Cultural Centre for their approval & support on the same.
Flash Back
It was amazing to see our under fives in their traditional outfits on the April 8, 2009 competing for Avurudhu Kumari/Avurudhu Kumara pageant! The pageant was extra special as everyone was present and every participant was a winner.
We really enjoyed the event witnessing the great joys of the children and the parents. Thank you, parents for accepting the invitation and being a part of the show. Thank you very much for the lovely Easter and New Year sweetmeats too. Hope you all enjoyed the event as much as we did organizing it.
Photographs of most of the event have been uploaded to blog at http://theplaywaynursery-srilanka.blogspot.com/.
Unfortunately, the latter part of the event was not captured to our satisfaction. If anyone could supplement this with your own photos, especially of the latter part of the event I would appreciate it very much and would have them uploaded for everyone’s benefit!
The Sinhala and Tamil New year is very important to Sri Lankans as it celebrates love and kindness; people share food and present gifts to their loved ones and the needy, strengthening the bonds among each other.
If you develop love, truly great love, rid of the desire to hold and possess, that strong, clean love untarnished by lust, that love which does not expect to be repaid, that love which is firm but not grasping, enduring but not tied down, gentle and settled, diamond hard but un-hurting, helpful but not interfering, cool and refreshing, giving more than taking, dignified but not proud, soft but not weak, that love which leads to enlightenment, then you will be washed of all ill will.
12th Century Sri Lankan Poet
Aid Drive - Charity begins at the Nursery
We are very fortunate to be able to live a safe and comfortable life with our loved ones. At the same time, we must reach out to our fellow citizens undergoing great hardships for reasons beyond their control.
It is time to show that we truly love and care! Let your child bring something small but useful for the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in camps in the north. We, as a responsible community, can attempt to feed and care for another community even for just a few days.
We shall have an Aid Collection Box kept at the entrance to the nursery where your child could drop the items. Please do drop these items as soon as possible, as our fellow citizens need our help now! Once collected, all items will be handed over to the main collection centre at the BMICH.
While your contribution is not compulsory, it would make a great difference to the life of another.
Happy, Happy Birthdays!
Belated birthday greetings go out to Little Ishaq who celebrated his 3rd birthday on the April 21 and to Tharaka who turned 20 on April 12. Hope you both had a great time on your birthdays!
Adhithri will be 2 on the May 5. Hope she will have loads of fun with her friends and family. May her birthday dreams come true!
Our Current Theme: Tales around the World
Inquiry Into: What can we teach young children through stories/tales?
• The children will be taken into the wonderful world of tales with a variety of collected resources
• Tales around the World is mainly focused on “Cultural Differences” in different parts of the world. When children actively listen to a well-read story they develop the power of imagination, estimation, differences in opinions, tolerance towards other cultures and understanding feelings of others.
• The focus can be taken beyond this, enhancing the value of tales even further, when read interestingly and interactively there is a tremendous response to stories. For example, a puppet show will enthrall a young audience.
• A well planned story, when taken beyond preconceived boundaries, can be incorporated into many areas of teaching: language, number, personal, social and emotional education, science, social studies, emphasizing creativity, critical thinking within an organized structure.
• We will also bring drama and theatre into the classroom.
• Parents, if you have books videos, CDs and DVDs, please lend them to us for a short period of time.
Dates for your Diary
Monday, 4 May reopens
Thursday, 7 May Vesak story
Friday 8 May Vesak poya holiday
Thursday, 14 May presents The Three Little Pigs
Friday, 15 May Mother’s Day Celebrations: Mummy, Please Read Me a Story
Monday, 25 May presents Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Friday, 22 May Cookery
Friday, 29 May presents Red Riding Hood
Have a Marvelous May!
Neelika Edirisinghe
Director, nursery