I feel safe when you are with me;
You show me fun things to do;
You make my life much better;
The best father I know is you.
I’m happy you’re my Dad
and so I want to say
I love you, Dad
Thank you so… much for your continuous support and participation. As you know we strive to give your child the best possible experience through out the year. Let’s recall a few events that took place in the month of June at the playway.
The teddy bear tea party: was a tremendous success where children were enjoying a real tea party atmosphere. We witnessed some children sharing their goodies with their teddy showing us how they practice what they learn at the playway. The morning was filled with activities that included songs and stories about teddy bears and bears. The teddies the children brought from home were used as props and resource to teach other skills and areas apart from the emotional side.
Daddy’s day celebrations: thank you so… much for sending the children dressed as their daddies. Didn’t they feel very important and proud? Also “Thank you, DADDIES who were available to be with the children on that wonderful Friday morning”.
A special BIG thank you to Mr. Sudharsha Wijesinghe for coming well prepared for a wonderful story for our children at the playway. The children were truly delighted to have you.
Cookery: the squarely sandwiches, the children made were scrumptious!! The objective was to introduce square in a more interesting way but the most interesting that happened was that the sandwiches made children very… hungry! (They all enjoyed their own sandwiches! )We think it is a good idea to have more cookery days!!! What do you think?
Our current theme: Animals and Their Babies!
We have been working merrily on the current theme. The children have been responding very well.
The mini theme for the month of July is “What a Colourful World!” We are hoping to take the children into a wonderful world of colours. Our aim is to let the children play and experiment with colours to discover many differences in colours and combinations. We are hoping to work closely with nature, who teaches us many wonderful things about colours. If you are a resource person please let me know whether you could also be a part of our programme. Please let the children experiment and explore when ever they feel like with colours. Be it with brushes or with their hands or fingers or any other source for, discovery is a very vital part in true learning.
A special announcement: We are sad to note that Mr. Ustinov, The Director Russian Center Colombo is retiring. Mr. and Mrs. Ustinov are leaving to Russia. The children of the playway will see them to wish them good luck today! We are delighted to welcome Mr. Ayrath Akhmetov and his wife who are currently in Sri Lanka to be with us.
Happy, Happy Birthday Hope Karan had a wonderful birthday with all his friends and all your friendly aunts at the Russian Centre. Thank you for the yummy food Karan! We all enjoyed!!!
Book Pool: We are extremely happy to note that our “Book a Home Programme” is doing extremely well. The response from the children and the parents is great. The aim is to arouse the curiosity and the love for books. A book read aloud by mummy or daddy can develop pre reading ability and is recommended highly. Your child/ children are in their best years where Language absorption is concerned. Please read as many books to them as possible. And also you could set an example by reading for your enjoyment at their presence.
I am positive that you are having a wealth of books at home and would love to share with the children at the playway. Please send a favorite book of your child to be shared. So far the books I send home have come back in their original state therefore I trust that the books that are going home will be safe. Please send a book once a week and take a book home daily. We shall take an account on the books and RETURN THEM SAFE AT THE END OF EACH WEEK.
Chocolate Break: It is wonderful to see children enjoying their fruits at the fruit break. The idea is to promote the fruit intake. It does not matter how much fruit is taken at the beginning as far as the attitude towards fruit is changed for good. There fore we have to have patience and give them time to appreciate fruit. Now as the researchers have found out, chocolates are good for children. Let‘s give our children a good time once in two weeks when we celebrate chocolates. Please send a small chocolate of your choice to be given to your child at snack. Let’s start this new break from Wednesday the 2nd July. Please let me know if your child is allergic to any kind of chocolates in writing. (Very important)
Await Parent Teacher Conference; we at the playway strongly believe the bond between the parents and the teachers is vital. There fore we believe in Parent Teacher Conferences. For your conveneiance the time slots will be posted and you could sign in for a time that is best suited for you. We will be available for your quaries.
Parent Conference 15th Tuesday from 12.30 – 1.30pm
16th Wednesday from 12.30 - 1.30pm
Please keep a day free.
Closing date for summer is the 25th July and the reports will go home on the 25th July.
Have a joyous June
Neelika Edirisinghe
the playway nursery